We’ll be aggregating the data collected from this quiz to build a report titled, “The Burnout Index: the state of marketing mental health and organizational culture”.
Wanna be the first to read it? Sign up to get updated via email.
We promise not to email you for other stuff (we know how annoying that can be).
Now, read on for your full burnout summary and ways to help chill out!
how you doin'?
The honeymoon phase is ending but you’re determined to make it last. Sure, you may feel some nagging instances of doubt but who doesn’t, right? Things are getting real and so is your workload but you’re up for the challenge. You get the sense that there are some weird inter-office dynamics going on but figure that as long as you stay out of it, it can’t get you.
When someone asks you how things are…
…you find yourself saying things like:
“Of course, things aren’t perfect. No company/job is!”
“This is my dream job compared to what I was doing/where I was before.”
“The drama has nothing to do with me, if I just stay out of it, I'll be fine.”
“Work is ramping up, sure, but it’s that busy time of year!”
“I have to cancel––I’m still new and I want to get ahead of this project and myself.”
Your friends and family are probably noticing…
...that you’re taking fewer breaks and taking work a little too seriously. You may also feel a little defensive if/when someone points out anything iffy with your workload, team, and/or company. You’re clearly feeling conflicted but trying to make the best of things. Besides, you’re in a much better place than you were before.
You might want to consider…
...taking an objective look at where you are right now. Step back and ask yourself: what do you think can be improved? Are you living a balanced life overall? What, in your personal life, have you been neglecting? Do this now before you're too busy surviving to really self-reflect.
You’ll want to talk to your manager about…
...any scope creep you may be experiencing or inter-personal dynamics that may be taking focus away from the work you should be doing. Approach these issues with enthusiastic curiosity (“how can we improve and what can I do to help?”) rather than making it sound like a problem that they need to fix. But be wary: don't take on more than your fair share of responsibility.
Try Cooling off by…
...remembering that true happiness requires balance. It may feel good right now to act like the hero and take on more than what’s expected of you but that’s a great way fast-track your way into your Joker era.
Take consistent breaks to enjoy your life and your loved ones and don't feel guilty about it! We're not saving lives, here.
The Technical Definition of “Burnout”
According to the World Health Organization, “burnout is a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed […] Burnout refers specifically to phenomena in the occupational context and should not be applied to describe experiences in other areas of life.”
We’ll be aggregating the data collected from this quiz to build a report titled, “The Burnout Index: the state of marketing mental health and organizational culture”.
Wanna be the first to read it? Sign up to get updated via email.
We promise not to email you for other stuff (we know how annoying that can be).