We’ll be aggregating the data collected from this quiz to build a report entitled The Burnout Index: the state of marketing mental health and organizational culture.

Wanna be the first to read it? Sign up to get updated via email.

We promise not to email you for other stuff (we know how annoying that can be).

Now read on for your full burnout profile and how to chill out!

Burnout influencers







how you doin'?

Well, you’ve been better, haven’t you? You're beginning to feel like a shell of your former self and you’re not quite sure what to do about it. You feel rattled and restless and something's gotta give. 

Our guess is that you’ve been dreaming of running away and never coming back. Maybe you yearn for some solo time on a tropical beach or want to snuggle up in a cabin in the remote woods. Perhaps you just want to be left alone at home without anyone needing anything from you. Whatever it is, we get it.

When someone asks you how things are…

…you find yourself saying things like:

“Oh, it depends on the day...” *changes subject*

“This is fine, everything is fine.” *blinks for help in morse code*

“I've gotta get outta here.”

*shakes fist at capitalism*

Your friends and family are probably noticing…

...you're clearly in distress. You’re likely short with family and friends making time spent together particularly stressful. This isn't you and they know it. Maybe it’s time to intervene?

You might want to consider…

...seriously re-evaluating the way you’re spending your time and the work you're doing. We get that bills need to be paid but no marketing job is worth feeling the way you’re feeling. 

You’ll want to talk to your manager about…

...stronger boundaries around work and an honest conversation about the impact your current state is having on you, your work, and the rest of the team. How can your manager support you more? Is your company's overall culture conducive to your psychological safety? 

Cool off by...

  • making a list of things that make you feel out of control and are impeding your ability to enjoy life
  • making a list of things you're passionate about outside of work
  • seeing a therapist or other medical professional about any unspoken needs or feelings you may need to unpack
  • making time to reconnect with your family and friends
  • carving out time to do absolutely nothing but rest

The Technical Definition of “Burnout”

According to the World Health Organization, “burnout is a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed […] Burnout refers specifically to phenomena in the occupational context and should not be applied to describe experiences in other areas of life.” 

We’ll be aggregating the data collected from this quiz to build a report entitled The Burnout Index: the state of marketing mental health and organizational culture.

Wanna be the first to read it? Sign up to get updated via email.

We promise not to email you for other stuff (we know how annoying that can be).

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This website does not provide medical advice. Any information provided, including but not limited to text, graphics, images, and other material contained on this website is for entertainment purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.