We’ll be aggregating the data collected from this quiz to build a report titled, “The Burnout Index: the state of marketing mental health and organizational culture”.
Wanna be the first to read it? Subscribe to get updated via email.
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Now read on for your full burnout profile and how to stay out of the hot seat!
how you doin'?
You’re doing pretty darn well, fellow marketer! You may be feeling the heat but not enough to get burned (out). Do you perhaps have a steady support system (nice)? Are the boundaries of your job function clearly defined (oooh, lucky)? Are you in the honeymoon phase of a new job? Do you have a kick-ass manager who helps protect your peace? Whatever your situation is, the pressure isn’t on right now and you’re sailing on through rather comfortably.
Heads up: don’t brag about this to your other marketers, most of them are burned out.
When someone asks you how things are…
…you find yourself saying things like:
“I really like what we’re doing right now.”
“Things feel really balanced.”
“I feel like the work I’m contributing is valued.”
Your friends and family are probably noticing…
…how much you enjoy your work! They’re also probably noticing how little of it you're bringing into your home life. You’re able to compartmentalize and focus on them when you need to because you have control over your time.
You might want to consider…
…keeping an eye on how driven and motivated you are in the quest to achieve great things for your organization. Work motivation can turn into a pissing contest. Experiencing a strong need to prove yourself is one of the first steps toward burnout. We're not saying "stop trying", just "don't take it overboard".
You’ll want to talk to your manager about…
…working on the types of projects that keep you inspired, creating an action plan for nipping job creep in the bud before it becomes an issue, and building boundaries that help insulate you from organizational nonsense and politics.
Try Cooling off by…
…remembering to book some time off to fully unplug. Yes, it can be tempting to stay “on” to show your dedication, but honestly, just get some freaking rest already.
The Technical Definition of “Burnout”
According to the World Health Organization, “burnout is a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed […] Burnout refers specifically to phenomena in the occupational context and should not be applied to describe experiences in other areas of life.”
We’ll be aggregating the data collected from this quiz to build a report titled, “The Burnout Index: the state of marketing mental health and organizational culture”.
Wanna be the first to read it? Subscribe to get updated via email.
We promise not to email you for other stuff (we know how annoying that can be).