You’re burnt to a crisp

We’ll be aggregating the data collected from this quiz to build a report entitled “The Burnout Index: the state of marketing mental health and organizational culture”.
Wanna be the first to read it? Sign up to get updated via email.
We promise not to email you for other stuff (we know how annoying that can be).
Now read on for your full burnout profile and how to chill out!
how you doin'?
Dang! You’re burned out! Seriously, you're completely exhausted, overwhelmed, and in dire need of some TLC. We’re going to guess you’ve been slowly letting your basic human needs slip down the list of priorities for some time and now… you’re here.
Are you laughing a sad, cynical laugh right now? If so, we get it. This kind of result is a grim validation of what you’ve probably suspected for some time.
But do you know what we don’t want? A complete mental breakdown. That would be bad, friend.
When someone asks you how things are…
…you find yourself saying things like:
“I’m too tired to go anywhere/do anything.”
“Work is kicking my a**”
“I wish I enjoyed the things I used to enjoy.”
“I am anxious all the time.”
“I’m having trouble sleeping.”
“I can't remember the last time I went a week without crying.”
Your friends and family are probably noticing…’ve completely withdrawn from group activities. You have no energy and have completely shut yourself off from the world. When you're not completely depressed you seem to be on autopilot. You've let yourself and/or your home go completely.
You might want to consider…
...not giving up completely. How? By connecting with a trusted person who can help you plan some time away. You're going to need to get centered and gain some serious perspective if you want to be able to get out of this. Remember: This phase of burnout won’t last forever, the next stage is your body completely shutting down. Don't become a statistic.
You’ll want to talk to your manager about…
...joining forces in a bid to break down the bonds of capitalism. Alternatively, you probably need to start talking about what you need in a way that is measured and explicitly clear. Consult with a therapist or a trusted friend before diving into this conversation. It may feel like a herculean task but unexpressed feelings are just going to make the situation––and you––feel worse. We know executive dysfunction, perfectionism, and fatigue are making it particularly hard to do, well, anything right now but all it takes is the first step to get the ball going (and yourself back to a healthy space).
Cool Off by...
- accepting the situation as it is. “Should-ing" all over yourself won’t do you any good.
- getting professional help to unpack your feelings and assuage the cacophony of negative thoughts you're likely battling on a daily basis
- understanding what is at the source of your burnout and start building an action and/or exit plan
- remembering that we like you and we want you to stick around
The Technical Definition of “Burnout”
According to the World Health Organization, “burnout is a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed…Burn-out refers specifically to phenomena in the occupational context and should not be applied to describe experiences in other areas of life.”
We’ll be aggregating the data collected from this quiz to build a report entitled “The Burnout Index: the state of marketing mental health and organizational culture”.
Wanna get it? Give us your email.
The Technical Definition of “Burnout”
We’ll be aggregating the data collected from this quiz to build a report entitled “The Burnout Index: the state of marketing mental health and organizational culture”.
Wanna be the first to read it? Sign up to get updated via email.
We promise not to email you for other stuff (we know how annoying that can be).