What kind of marketer are you?

Take the quiz and see if we got it right!

banner that highlights the custom art

What do your days look like?
You consider yourself to be…
You'd describe yourself as a...
When at a networking event, you...
When meeting someone for the first time, you…
Say you’re at a marketing event and you feel the conversation turning to an inflammatory subject, you're most likely to…
How true is this statement for you: “I love me some marketing automation, customer relationship management systems, and digital asset management”?
In your current organization, your marketing goals are…
When the sales team closes a deal...
When something goes wrong, you think…
When setting goals, you...
When it comes to Excel, you think…
When asked to build a dashboard for a campaign, you think...
You think of the information you put out into the world as...
When you have something to say to a group, what strategies do you use to keep them engaged?
When it comes to your philosophy on life, is it all about the journey or the destination?
When building out a campaign, what do you keep in mind first and foremost?
Your campaign requires custom art. Naturally, you…